Language Evolution and Computation Bibliography

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C. Fyfe
Modelling language-physiology coevolutionPDF
The Evolutionary Emergence of Language: Social Function and the Origins of Linguistic Form, 2000
A feature of current computational models of language evolution is that the individuals in later populations are not structurally,'physiologically', different from those in the first. Evolution may be working on the language itself, as learned by agents which do not ...
ECAL99, pages 704-708, 1999
Some recent Artificial Life models have attempted to explain the origin of linguistic diversity with varying conclusions and explanations. We posit, contrary to some existing Artificial Life work, that linguistic diversity should naturally emerge in spatially organised ...MORE ⇓
Some recent Artificial Life models have attempted to explain the origin of linguistic diversity with varying conclusions and explanations. We posit, contrary to some existing Artificial Life work, that linguistic diversity should naturally emerge in spatially organised populations of ...
Developing a Community LanguagePDF
ECAL97, 1997
Abstract We describe simulations of a community of agents who live in an environment which has some structure that the agents can learn to identify and subsequently about which they learn to communicate. Each agent has two entirely separate articial neural networks ...