Proceedings :: IJCAI99
Situated grounded word semanticsPDF
IJCAI99, 1999
Abstract The paper reports on experiments in which autonomous visually grounded agents bootstrap an ontology and a shared lexicon without prior design nor other forms of human intervention. The agents do so while playing a particular language game called the ...
Autonomous Concept FormationPDF
IJCAI99, pages 344-349, 1999
This paper presents a system that simulates the emergence of realistic vowel systems in a population of agents that try to imitate each other as well as possible. Although none of the agents has a global view of the language, and none of the agents does an explicit optimization, ...MORE ⇓
This paper presents a system that simulates the emergence of realistic vowel systems in a population of agents that try to imitate each other as well as possible. Although none of the agents has a global view of the language, and none of the agents does an explicit optimization, a coherent system of vowels emerges that happens to be optimized for acoustic distinctiveness. The results presented here fit in and confirm the theory of Luc Steels [Steels 1995, 1997, 1998] that views languages as a complex dynamic system and the origins of language as the result of self-organization and cultural evolution.
Investigating the Emergence of Speech SoundsPDF
IJCAI99, pages 364-369, 1999
Abstract This paper presents a system that simulates the emergence of realistic vowel systems in a population of agents that try to imitate each other as well as possible. The agents start with no knowledge of the sound system at all. Although none of the agents ...