Language Evolution and Computation Bibliography

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S. Wintner
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, pages 86--99, 2010
Child language acquisition, one of Nature's most fascinating phenomena, is to a large extent still a puzzle. Experimental evidence seems to support the view that early language is highly formulaic, consisting for the most part of frozen items with limited productivity. Fairly ...MORE ⇓
Child language acquisition, one of Nature's most fascinating phenomena, is to a large extent still a puzzle. Experimental evidence seems to support the view that early language is highly formulaic, consisting for the most part of frozen items with limited productivity. Fairly ...
Computational Linguistics 35(4):641--644, 2009
One of the most thought-provoking proposals I have heard recently came from Lori Levin during the discussion that concluded the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics. Lori proposed that we should form an ACL ...