Language Evolution and Computation Bibliography

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Ryoko Uno
Advances in Complex Systems 15(03n04):1150020, 2012
configure a pattern on a board to communicate with each other. Distinct from related studies, players in this game have no explicit game scores or tasks to optimize. Any dynamics occurring in this game are therefore ad-hoc and on-going processes. There were three major findings ...MORE ⇓
configure a pattern on a board to communicate with each other. Distinct from related studies, players in this game have no explicit game scores or tasks to optimize. Any dynamics occurring in this game are therefore ad-hoc and on-going processes. There were three major findings in this paper. (i) The subjects mainly interacted in two modes: a dynamic mode where players proceed through the game without assigning any meanings to the pattern, and a metaphoric mode, where players process with narrative reflection. (ii) Subjects spontaneously switch between the two modes, but this switching is suppressed when playing alone. (iii) A transition diagram of the board pattern can be used to label the two modes, e.g. linearity of the diagram is correlated with the metaphoric mode. One of the main features of grammar is to display subjects' intentionality in a systematic way. We argue that the switching between the two modes observed in our experiment can be taken as a grammatical aspect that emerged in the process. These modes express the speaker's perspective in the same manner as grammatical elements do in natural language. The switching behavior should be seen as a process that embodies a player's intention using the medium (in this case, the patterns in the wall game), and a player's exploration of the medium is a necessary step before generating a grammar structure.
Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Transactions on 3(2):146--153, 2011
Abstract This paper investigates the relationship between embodied interaction and symbolic communication. We report about an experiment in which simulated autonomous robotic agents, whose control systems were evolved through an artificial evolutionary ...
Emergence of Sentence Types in Simulated Adaptive Agents
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, pages 323-330, 2008
Abstract: This paper investigates the relationship between embodied interaction and symbolic communication. We refer to works by Iizuka & Ikegami and Marroco & Nolfi as the examples of simulating EC (embodied communicating) agents, and argue their ...