Paul Heggarty
Splits or waves? Trees or webs? How divergence measures and network analysis can unravel language historiesdoi.orgPDF
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365(1559):3829-3843, 2010
Linguists have traditionally represented patterns of divergence within a language family in terms of either a splits model, corresponding to a branching family tree structure, or the wave model, resulting in a (dialect) continuum. Recent phylogenetic analyses, however, have ...MORE ⇓
Linguists have traditionally represented patterns of divergence within a language family in terms of either a splits model, corresponding to a branching family tree structure, or the wave model, resulting in a (dialect) continuum. Recent phylogenetic analyses, however, have tended to assume the former as a viable idealization also for the latter. But the contrast matters, for it typically reflects different processes in the real world: speaker populations either separated by migrations, or expanding over continuous territory. Since history often leaves a complex of both patterns within the same language family, ideally we need a single model to capture both, and tease apart the respective contributions of each. The network type of phylogenetic method offers this, so we review recent applications to language data. Most have used lexical data, encoded as binary or multi-state characters. We look instead at continuous distance measures of divergence in phonetics. Our output networks combine branch- and continuum-like signals in ways that correspond well to known histories (illustrated for Germanic, and particularly English). We thus challenge the traditional insistence on shared innovations, setting out a new, principled explanation for why complex language histories can emerge correctly from distance measures, despite shared retentions and parallel innovations.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13(11):464-469, 2009
Studies of language change have begun to contribute to answering several pressing questions in cognitive sciences, including the origins of human language capacity, the social construction of cognition and the mechanisms underlying culture change in general. Here, we describe ...MORE ⇓
Studies of language change have begun to contribute to answering several pressing questions in cognitive sciences, including the origins of human language capacity, the social construction of cognition and the mechanisms underlying culture change in general. Here, we describe recent advances within a new emerging framework for the study of language change, one that models such change as an evolutionary process among competing linguistic variants. We argue that a crucial and unifying element of this framework is the use of probabilistic, data-driven models both to infer change and to compare competing claims about social and cognitive influences on language change.
Interdisciplinary Indiscipline? Can Phylogenetic Methods Meaningfully be Applied to Language Data and to Dating Language?
Phylogenetic Methods and the Prehistory of Languages 16.0:183-, 2006
propose here to give detailed or specific critiques of these, which are available elsewhere, but look at the broader problem behind the failure to achieve an interdisciplinary consensus on how phylogenetic methods, initially developed for applications outside linguistics, can ...MORE ⇓
propose here to give detailed or specific critiques of these, which are available elsewhere, but look at the broader problem behind the failure to achieve an interdisciplinary consensus on how phylogenetic methods, initially developed for applications outside linguistics, can ...