Language Evolution and Computation Bibliography

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Ljiljana Progovac
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, pages 66-73, 2010
This paper questions the assumption that subject-verb (SV) structures are basic and primary and shows instead that these apparently simple structures are quite complex informationally, intonationally, semantically, and syntactically. In contrast, we point out that verb-subject ...MORE ⇓
This paper questions the assumption that subject-verb (SV) structures are basic and primary and shows instead that these apparently simple structures are quite complex informationally, intonationally, semantically, and syntactically. In contrast, we point out that verb-subject (VS) structures, particularly those involving unaccusative verbs and sentence focus, are simpler and better candidates for primary structures from an evolutionary point of view. From this perspective, Agent-first (SV) structures, which have been mentioned as examples of protolinguistic ''fossils'' (e.g. Jackendoff 2002), are not as basic as previously thought.
The Urge to Merge: Ritual Insult and the Evolution of SyntaxPDF
Biolinguistics 3(2), 2009
Throughout recorded history, sexually mature males have issued humorous insults in public. These averbal duelsa are thought to discharge aggressive dispositions, and to provide a way to compete for status and mating opportunities without risking physical altercations. But, is ...MORE ⇓
Throughout recorded history, sexually mature males have issued humorous insults in public. These averbal duelsa are thought to discharge aggressive dispositions, and to provide a way to compete for status and mating opportunities without risking physical altercations. But, is there evidence that such verbal duels, and sexual selection in general, played any role in the evolution of specific principles of language, syntax in particular? In this paper, concrete linguistic data and analysis will be presented which indeed point to that conclusion. The prospect will be examined that an intermediate form of aproto-syntaxa, involving aproto-Mergea, evolved in a context of ritual insult. This form, referred to as exocentric compound, can be seen as a aliving fossila of this stage of proto-syntax a providing evidence not only of ancient structure (syntax/semantics), but also arguably of sexual selection.
What Use is Half a Clause?
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, pages 259-266, 2008
The erroneous notion ... has been that the intermediate stages in the evolution of structures must be useless `` the old saw of What use is half a leg or half an eye (Carroll, 2005, 170-171).