Language Evolution and Computation Bibliography

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Donald H. Owings
Human Infant Crying as an Animal Communication System: Insights from an Assessment/Management ApproachPDF
Evolution of Communication Systems: A Comparative Approach, pages 151-170, 2004
At five weeks old, my normally happy first child became a fussy baby. About midday one day, he began to cry. After trying all of my standard calming techniques to no avail, in frustration I finally told him, loudly," STOP!" This stopped the crying, but I felt so guilty about ...MORE ⇓
At five weeks old, my normally happy first child became a fussy baby. About midday one day, he began to cry. After trying all of my standard calming techniques to no avail, in frustration I finally told him, loudly," STOP!" This stopped the crying, but I felt so guilty about yelling at ...