Language Evolution and Computation Bibliography

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Cyprian Laskowski
The Emergence of a Lexicon by Prototype-Categorising Agents in a Structured Infinite World
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, pages 195-202, 2008
Over the last decade, computational models and simulations have been used to explore whether words could have initially become grounded and established in the earliest stages of language evolution through a process of self-organisation in a population. In this paper, a new model ...MORE ⇓
Over the last decade, computational models and simulations have been used to explore whether words could have initially become grounded and established in the earliest stages of language evolution through a process of self-organisation in a population. In this paper, a new model of this family is produced, with two major differences from previous models: the agents world consists of an infinite number of objects, and the agents categories have a flexible prototype structure. These changes result in a more realistic model, but also one which is more likely to fail. Simulation results revealed that coherent lexicons still emerged, but they were sensitive to certain model conditions, including the structure of the world.