Journal :: Scientific American
Intelligent Machines That Learn Like ChildrenPDF
Scientific American 318(3), 2018
Machines that learn like children provide deep insights into how the mind and body act together to bootstrap knowledge and skills.
Deon, a fictional engineer in the 2015 sci-fi film Chappie, wants to create a machine that can think and feel. To this end, he writes an artificial-intelligence program that can learn like a child. Deon's test subject, Chappie, starts off with a relatively blank ...MORE ⇓
Machines that learn like children provide deep insights into how the mind and body act together to bootstrap knowledge and skills.
Deon, a fictional engineer in the 2015 sci-fi film Chappie, wants to create a machine that can think and feel. To this end, he writes an artificial-intelligence program that can learn like a child. Deon's test subject, Chappie, starts off with a relatively blank
mental slate. By simply observing and experimenting with his surroundings, he acquires general knowledge, language and
complex skills—a task that eludes even the most advanced AI systems we have today.
The origin of speechPDF
Scientific American 203:88-96, 1960
Man is the only animal that can communicate by means of abstract symbols. Yet this ability shares many features with communication in other animals, and has arisen from these more primitive systems.